Dr Dan O'Hare

Educational Psychologist

Beacon Community Psychology

Senior Lecturer
University of Bristol

Founder & Director

My approach to psychology

I strongly believe that psychological skills and knowledge can support positive change in a range of contexts. 

I have a passion for making psychology accessible. To me this means talking with people about what matters to them most. 

People often seek psychological support at some of the trickiest times in their lives and with this comes strong ethical obligations of responsibility, integrity and compassion.

I deliver psychology through joint problem solving, recognising the skills and strengths of the people I work with as vital to the process of change.


Roovis, L., & O’Hare, D.P. (in press). “We had nowhere to go”: an Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of children’s experiences of homelessness. Educational and Child Psychology.

O’Hare, D.P., & Meheux, M. (2022). Influencing policy and socio-political change. In L. Winter & D. Charura (Eds.), The SAGE Handbook of Social Justice in the Psychological Therapies. SAGE.

O’Hare, D.P., & Wheeler, T. (2022). Mindfulness in education settings. In Mindfulness-based approaches: a guide for psychologists, pp. 86-95. The British Psychological Society.

O’Hare, D.P., & West, R. (2022). Being Clear: an initial desktop review of LA EP service website. Edpsy.

O’Hare, D.P. (2021). Climate change: 10 things that educational psychology (EP) services could do to reduce their carbon footprintBritish Psychological Society. 

O’Hare, D.P., & Riviere, H. (2020). A resilience and coping framework for supporting transitions back to school. British Psychological Society. 

Hill, V., Crawford, A.,…O’Hare, D.P., Palikara, O.,…(2020). Back to school: Using psychological perspectives to support re-engagement and recovery. British Psychological Society

Duffield, S.J., & O’Hare, D.P. (2020). Promoting teacher resilience during coronavirus school closures.Division of Educational and Child Psychology.

O’Hare, D.P., Meheux, M., & Hill, V. (2020). Coronavirus and UK school closures: support and advice for schools and parents/carers. Division of Educational and Child Psychology.

O’Hare, D.P. (2023). The Climate Crisis, children, young people and psychologyPaper presented at the BPS South West annual Gathering – ‘Intergenerational Concerns into Climate Change: Psychological Perspectives.’

O’Hare, D.P. (2022). Being visible and being heard: EP presence and impact. Paper presented at the annual professional event of the National Association of Principal Educational Psychologists.

O’Hare, D.P. (2021). Is there anybody out there? EP voice in the vastness of social media. Paper presented at the annual West Midlands EP service CPD conference

O’Hare, D.P. (2020). Neuroessentialism: challenging the beneficence of ‘brain based’ explanations in our work. Paper presented at the Applied Psychologies annual CPD conference

O’Hare, D.P. (2020). Neurobabble, Neurohype and educational psychology: a relationship that raises important ethical questions. Paper presented at the Annual Professional event of the Division of Educational Psychology of the BPS. Nottingham, UK.